Agricultural College of Utah Cyanotypes,, 1892-1997

Overview of the Collection

Turpin, George M. (George Melvin), 1882-1943
Agricultural College of Utah Cyanotypes,
1892-1997 (inclusive)
10 boxes, (7.5 linear ft.)
Collection Number
The Agricultural College of Utah cyanotypes collection consists of 2,608 cyanotypes dating from 1896 to 1916. These images document the Agricultural College of Utah (now Utah State University) and show students, faculty, class-room scenes, buildings and grounds, events, experiment stations, athletics, student projects, agriculture, and scenes from around Logan. Because of preservation concerns they were removed from their original USU Agricultural Extension Service scrapbooks. The photographs were taken for documentation and publicity purposes. Many are found in the Experiment Station bulletins, A.C.U. catalogs, and other publications. Many of the photographs were taken by George M. Turpin, A.C.U. professor from 1909 to 1913. Who took the remainder of the images is unknown.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
Fax: 4357972880
Access Restrictions

No restrictions on use, except: not available through interlibrary loan.

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

George Melvin Turpin was born in 1882 in West Jordan, Utah. He began to attend the Agricultural College of Utah in 1902. In 1906 he was appointed Assistant Station Chemist and one year later he became the Assistant Poultryman. He finished his degree in 1909 and was a lecturer in Poultry and worked for the ACU Extension Office until 1913. He left the ACU to teach at Iowa State University. He returned, however, to Utah and worked for the Utah hatcheries. At some point he also taught at East and West Jordan High Schools in Salt Lake City. At the time of his death in 1943 he was employed by the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The ACU Cyanotypes Collection consists of 2,608 cyanotypes (a paper based, bluish colored print) dating from 1896 to 1916. These images document the Agricultural College of Utah (now Utah State University) and show students, faculty, class-room scenes, buildings and grounds, events, experiment stations, athletics, student projects, agriculture, and scenes from around Logan. Because of preservation concerns they were removed from their original USU Agricultural Extension Service scrapbooks. The photographs were taken for documentation and publicity purposes. Many are found in the Experiment Station bulletins, the ACU Catalogs, and other publications. Many of the photographs were taken by George M. Turpin, an professor of Poultry Husbandry from 1909 to 1913. Who took the remainder of the images is unknown.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use


It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any necessary copyright clearances.

Permission to publish material from the Agricultural College of Utah Cyanotypes must be obtained from the Special Collections Photograph Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

Alternative Forms Available

View selected digitized images from the ACU Cyanotypes photograph collection.

Preferred Citation

Initial Citation: P0014; Agricultural College of Utah Cyanotypes; Photograph Collections. Special Collections and Archives. Utah State University Merrill-Cazier Library. Logan, Utah.

Following Citations:P0014, USUSC.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Topical. Numbers in Parenthesis refer to the original negative number

Processing Note

Processed in March of 2002 and revised in December of 2002

Acquisition Information

Originally in possession of Utah Agricultural Extension Office

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

CyanotypesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
1:01:01: Woman at table hand sewing with a mannequin in background [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:01, 8:73 and USU A-1386
1 1
1:01:02: Woman at sewing table gathering ruffles [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:02, 8:71, and USU A-1385
1 1
1:01:03: Woman at table marking sewing pattern [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:03, 8:72, and USU-1382
1 1
1:01:04: Woman at table embroidering [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:04 and 8:74
1 1
1:01:05: Woman at table sewing piecework [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:05 and 8:75
1 1
1:01:06: Woman kneading bread dough [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:06 and 8:76
1 1
1:01:07: Woman kneading bread dough [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:07, 8:77, and USU-1388
1 1
1:01:08: Examples of fruit bottled by students [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:08 and 8:78
1 1
1:01:09: Examples of fruit bottled by students [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:09, and 8:79
1 1
1:01:10: Samples of underwear, ruffled lace and cloth in a display case [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:10, 8:80, similar to USU-1228a
1 1
1:01:11: Examples of Fruit bottled by students [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:11 and 8:81
1 1 1896-1916
1 1 1902
1 1 1896-1916
1 1 1902
1 1 1896-1916
1 1 1896-1916
1 1 1896-1916
1 1 1901
1 1 1896-1916
1 2 1901
1 2
1:02:02: Woman at sewing table gathering ruffles
Duplicate of 1:01:02, 8:71, and USU A-1385
1 2
1:02:03: Woman at table marking sewing pattern
Duplicate of 1:01:03, 8:72 and USU A-1382
1 2
1:02:04: Woman at table embroidering
Duplicate of 1:01:04 and 8:74
1 2
1:02:05: Woman sewing piecework
Duplicate of 1:01:05 and 8:75
1 2
1:02:06: Woman kneading bread dough
Duplicate of 1:01:06 and 8:76
1 2
1:02:07: Woman kneading bread dough
Duplicate of 1:01:07 and 8:77
1 2
1:02:08: Examples of fruit bottled by students
Duplicate of 1:01:08, 8:78 and 8:79
1 2
1:02:09: Examples of fruit bottled by students
Duplicate of 1:01:09, 8:78 and 8:79
1 2
1:02:10: Samples of underwear, ruffled lace and cloth in a display case
Duplicate of 1:01:10, 8:80, and USU 1228a
1 2
1:02:11: Examples of fruit bottled by students
Duplicate of 1:01:11 and 8:81
1 2
1:02:12: Display of spices, beans, and other condiments
Duplicate of 1:01:12 and 8:82
1 2 1896-1916
1 2
1:02:14: Old Main, construction of the tower, third floor almost completed
1 2 1896-1916
1 2 1896-1916
1 2
1:02:17: Old Main construction, basement floor completed [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:14 and 8:116
1 2
1:02:18: Old Main, construction of the tower, second floor in process
Duplicate of 1:01:15, 8:117 and USU A-0015a
1 2 1901
1 2 1901
1 2
1:02:21: Old Main, construction of the tower, third floor in process
Duplicate of 8:121
1 3
1:03:01: College Dairy, man working with separator [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:02 and 8:124
1896-1916; 1901
1 3
1:03:02: College Dairy, man working with separators [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:03 and 8:125
1 3
1:03:03: College Dairy, man working with separators [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:04 and 8:126
1 3
1:03:04: College Dairy, Babcock Test [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:05 and 8:127
1 3 1901
1 3 1901
1 3 1896-1916
1 3
1:03:08: Woman cutting out pattern [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:12 and 8:132
1896-1916; 1896-1916
1 3 1896-1916
1 3 1896-1916
1 3
1:03:11: Front half profile of cow [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:12
1 3
1:03:12: Leafy plant [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:10 and 8:164
1896-1916; 1896-1916
1 3
1:03:13: Old Main, left, Mechanic Arts Building, right [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:09 and 8:163
1 3
1:03:14: Farm Cottages [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:08 and 8:160
1 3
1:03:15: Scale enclosed in case [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:06 and 8:157
1 3 1896-1916
1 3 1896-1916
1 3
1:03:18: Woman ironing slip or skirt [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:01 and 8:151
1 3
1:03:19: Cakes arranged on table [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:20 and 8:150
1 3 1896-1916
1 4
1:04:01: Old Main, floors complete, finishing tower [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:20 and 8:122
1 4
1:04:02: College Dairy, Separators
Duplicate of 1:03:01 and 8:124
1 4
1:04:03: College Dairy, man working with separators
Duplicate of 1:03:02 and 8:125
1 4
1:04:04: College Dairy, man working with separators
Duplicate of 1:03:03 and 8:126
1 4
1:04:05: College Dairy, Babcock Test
Duplicate of 1:03:04 and 8:127
1 4 1901
1 4 1901
1 4 1901
1 4
1:04:09: Intersection of Main and Center Streets, probably a Circus Parade, looking northwest
Duplicate of 1:03:05 and 8:136
1 4 1896-1916
1 4
1:04:11: Ironwork [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:131
1 4
1:04:12: Woman cutting out pattern [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:08 and 8:132
1 4 1901
1 4
1:04:14: Section of the English Department Library
Duplicate of 1:03:09 and 8:133
1 4
1:04:15: Students at woodworking bench [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:144
1 4 1901
1 4 1896-1916
1 4
1:04:18: Student at a forge [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:148
1 4
1:04:19: Wooden chest made by student [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:149
1 4 1901
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1896-1916
1 5
1:05:08: Microscopes on table [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:18
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1903
1 5 1903
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1896-1916
1 5 1896-1916
1 5
1:05:16: Woman dressing a fish for baking [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:10:12
1 5
1:05:17: Fish dressed for baking [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:10:11
1 5
1:05:18: Women at formal dinner [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:10:10
1 5 1896-1916
1 5
1:05:20 : Flowers and food arranged on table [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:10:08, negative available
1896-1916; 1896-1916
1 6
1:06:01: Student ironing/laundering a skirt [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:18 and 8:151
1 6 1896-1916
1 6 1900
1 6 1901
1 6
1:06:05: Portrait of two men and five women [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:156
1 6
1:06:06: A scale [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:15 and 8:157
1 6 1896-1916
1 6
1:06:08: Farm Worker's Cottages, northeast campus [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:14 and 8:160
1 6 1896-1916
1 6
1:06:10: A blossoming plant [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:12 and 8:164
1 6
1:06:11: A young bull [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:11
1 6 1901; 1901
1 6 1901
1 6 1903
1 6 1901
1 6 1896-1916
1 6
1:06:17: Slope, three men fishing [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:177
1 6
1:06:18: Microscopes [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:05:08
1 6 1901
1 6 1896-1916
1 7 1896-1916
1 7
1:07:02: Women eating/taste testing [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:10:07
1 7 1896-1916
1 7 1896-1916
1 7 1896-1916
1 7 1896/1916
1 7
1:07:07: Man looking at Entomology Specimens [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:08:19
1 7 1896-1916
1 7 1909
1 7 1896-1916
1 7 1896-1916
1 7 1896-1916
1 7
1:07:13: Bottled goods arranged on table [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:10:18, negative available
1 7
1:07:14: Woman preparing a lunch tray [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:10:19
1 7
1:07:15: Close-up of flowers [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:01
1 7 1896-1916;
1 7
1:07:17: Woman ironing blouse sleeve [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:03
1 7
1:07:18: Woman cutting bread [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:04
1 7
1:07:19: Woman hand sewing [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:05
1 7 1896-1916
1 8 1901
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1896-1916
1 8 1896-1916
1 8
1:08:11: Canal, water, bridge and fence line [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:05:01
1 8 1896-1916
1 8
1:08:13: Bridge and irrigation canal(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:07:10
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1905
1 8 1896-1916
1 8 1896-1916
1 9
1:09:01: Woman sewing skirt [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:07 and 8:263
1 9
1:09:02: Beverages on tray
Duplicate of 1:12:08
1 9 1896-1916
1 9
1:09:04: Man holding ball on end of cord [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:10
1 9
1:09:05: Track & Field, man swinging ball on rope
Duplicate of 1:09:06 and 1:12:11
1 9
1:09:06: Track & Field, man swinging ball on rope [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:05 and 1:12:11
1 9 1896-1916
1 9 1896-1916
1 9
1:09:09: Logan Temple looking southwest [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:14 and 1:12:15
1 9
1:09:10: Logan Temple looking west [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:16
1 9
1:09:11 : Field and trees [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:17
1 9
1:09:12: Place setting on a tray [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:12:19
1 9 1896-1916
1 9
1:09:14: Three plants, one hanging, in a window
1 9
1:09:15: Flowers in a vase [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:14:01
1 9 1896-1916
1 9
1:09:17: Flowering plant in pot on table [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:14:02
1 9 1896-1916
1 9 1896-1916
1 9 1896-1916
1 9
1:09:21: An urn or vase with a lid [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:14:07
1 10 1905
1 10
1:10:02: Ice formation [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:07:06
1 10 1905
1 10 1905
1 10 1905
1 10 1905
1 10 1905
1 10
1:10:08: Table setting [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:05:20
1 10 1896-1916
1 10 1896-1916
1 10
1:10:11: Fish on a platter [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:05:17
1 10
1:10:12: Woman preparing a fish for baking [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:05:16
1 10 1896-1916
1 10 1914
1 10 1905
1 10 1914
1 10 1905
1 10 1905
1 10
1:10:19: Woman preparing a lunch tray [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:07:14
1 10 1905
1 11
1:11:01: Conservatory [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:11:02
1 11
1:11:02: Conservatory [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:11:01
1 11
1:11:03: Office/lounge area [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:11:04
1 11
1:11:04: Office/lounge area [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:11:03
1 11
1:11:05: Three vases [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:14:08
1 11
1:11:06: Carnations in a vase [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:14:09
1 11
1:11:07: Flowers in a vase [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:14:10
1 11 1896-1916
1 11
1:11:09: Man jumping over hurdles [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:14:18
1 11 1896-1916
1 11 1896-1916
1 11 1896-1916
1 11 1896-1916
1 11 1896-1916
1 11 1896-1916
1 11 1896-1916
1 11
1:11:17: Stalls in Cattle Barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:16:05 and 6:64
1 11 1896-1916
1 11 1896-1916
1 11
1:11:20 : Tree split down the center, right side falling over [Click to access]
Duplicate, but darker exposure, of 1:11:21
1 11
1:11:21: Tree split down the center, right side falling over [Click to access]
Duplicate, but lighter exposure, of 1:11:20 and 1:16:03
1 12 1905
1 12 1905
1 12
1:12:03: Woman ironing blouse sleeve [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:07:17
1 12
1:12:04: Woman slicing bread [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:07:18
1 12
1:12:05: Woman hand sewing [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:07:19
1 12 1896-1916
1 12
1:12:07: Woman sewing skirt [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:01 and 8:263
1 12
1:12:08: Drinks on a tray [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:02
1 12
1:12:09: Baking utensils [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:03
1 12
1:12:10: Athlete throwing shot-put [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:04
1 12
1:12:11: Track and Field, Man swinging ball on rope [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:05 and 1:09:06
1 12
1:12:12: Two track men next to a pole vault [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:07
1 12 1896-1916
1 12 1896-1916
1 12 1896-1916
1 12 1896-1916
1 12
1:12:17: Trees [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:11
1 12 1896-1916
1 12
1:12:19: Refreshments on a tray [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:12
1 12
1:12:20: Plants in a window [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:13
1 13
1:13:01: Woman sewing seams [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:16:06
1 13 1896-1916
1 13 1896-1916
1 13 1903
1 13 1905
1 13
1:13:06: Science lab area, baking ovens (?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:16:10, 8:128 and USU A-0792a
1 13
1:13:07: House and garden [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:16:09
1 13 1896-1916
1 13 1896-1916
1 13 1896-1916
1 13
1:13:11: Old Main winter scene [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:18:06
1 13 1896-1916
1 13
1:13:13: Single Sego Lilly [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:14
1 13
1:13:14: Single Sego Lilly [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:13, darker version
1 13
1:13:15: Single Sego Lilly [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:18:01
1 13 1896-1916
1 13 1896-1916
1 13
1:13:18: Arranged specimens
Duplicate of 1:16:20 and 8:244
1 13 1896-1916
1 13
1:13:20: Sego Lilies in glass vase [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:16:19
1 14
1:14:01: Plant in a pot [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:15
1 14
1:14:02: Blossoming plant in a pot [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:17
1 14
1:14:03: Potted plant on desk in an office [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:18
1 14 1896-1916
1 14
1:14:05: A vase [Click to access]
1 14 1896-1916
1 14 1896-1916
1 14
1:14:08: Three vases/pictures [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:11:05
1 14
1:14:09: Carnations in a vase [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:11:06
1 14
1:14:10: Plant in a pot [Click to access]
Blurry version of 1:11:07
1 14 1896-1916
1 14
1:14:12: Man holding surveying pole [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:16:12
1 14
1:14:13: [Click to access]
1 14 1912
1 14 1912
1 14 1912
1 14 1908
1 14
1:14:18: Walter Crocker running hurdles [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:11:09
1 14 1908
1 14 1896-1916
1 15 1896-1916
1 15 1896-1916
1 15 1903
1 15 1903
1 15 1896-1916
1 15 1896-1916
1 15 1896-1916
1 15
1:15:08: Interior of factory like building [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:19:01 and 10:156
1 15 1896-1916
1 15
1:15:10: Machinery [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:19:04 and 10:154
1 15 1905
1 15 1896-1916
1 15 1905
1 15
1:15:14: Horse drawn carriage, canal [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:15, 1:19:08 and 6:465
1 15
1:15:15: Horse drawn carriage, canal [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:14, 1:19:08 and 6:465
1 15
1:15:16: Group of children in cart pulled by water buffalo, location unknown [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:17, 1:15:18, 1:15:19, 1:19:09, and 8:254
1 15
1:15:17: Group of children in cart pulled by water buffalo, location unknown
Duplicate of 1:15:16, 1:15:18, 1:15:19, 1:19:09 and 8:254
1 15
1:15:18: Group of children in cart pulled by water buffalo, location unknown
Duplicate of 1:15:16, 1:15:17, 1:15:19, 1:19:09 and 8:254
1 15
1:15:19: Group of children in cart pulled by water buffalo, location unknown
Duplicate of 1:15:16, 1:15:17, 1:15:18, 1:19:09 and 8:254
1 15 1896-1916
1 15 1896-1916
1 16 1908
1 16 1908
1 16 1905
1 16 1904
1 16
1:16:05: Empty stalls in Cattle Barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:11:17 and 6:64
1 16
1:16:06: Woman sewing seams [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:01
1 16 1902
1 16 1907
1 16
1:16:09: Houses and outbuildings [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:07
1 16
1:16:10: Assaying room(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:06, 8:128, and USU A-0792a
1 16 1903
1 16
1:16:12: Man holding surveying pole [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:14:12
1 16 1907
1 16 1910
1 16 1910
1 16 1903
1 16 1903
1 16
1:16:18: Two men standing on bridge across river in a canyon [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:01 and 6:421
1 16
1:16:19: Sego Lilies in a vase [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:20
1 16
1:16:20: A display of agricultural specimens [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:18 and 8:244
1 16 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17
1:17:09: Some type of kilns [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:18:18
1 17
1:17:10: Trees and fence line [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:19:16
1 17 1896-1916
1 17
1:17:12: Woman cutting fabric [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:19:17
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17
1:17:17: Woman doing needlework [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:01:01 and 8:261
1 17 1896-1916
1 17
1:17:19: Woman sewing machine to sew skirt or petticoat [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:01:03 and 8:259
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 17 1896-1916
1 18
1:18:01: A Sego Lily blossom [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:15
1 18
1:18:02: Ironwork tools [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:245
1 18 1903
1 18 1903
1 18
1:18:05: [Click to access]
1 18
1:18:06: Old Main, north wing in winter [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:11
1 18 1905
1 18 1896-1916
1 18
1:18:09: Four men examining blossoms on a tree [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:09
1 18 1905
1 18 1905
1 18 1905
1 18 1896-1916
1 18 1896-1916
1 18
1:18:15: Steam plant or brick making factory(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:07
1 18
1:18:16: Men working in forge room [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:250
1 18 1896-1916
1 18
1:18:18: Furnaces/kilns(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:09
1 18
1:18:19: Men working at an anvil [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:251
1 18 1904
1 19 1896-1916
1 19 1905
1 19 1896-1916
1 19
1:19:04: Drain lines outside a building(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:10 and 10:154
1 19
1:19:05: College Dairy. Man cleaning milk jug [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:11
1 19 1896-1916
1 19 1896-1916
1 19
1:19:08: Irrigation canal and horse and buggy on bridge [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:15 and 6:465
1 19
1:19:09: Children with water buffalo and wagon [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:16-:19 and 8:254
1 19
1:19:10: Man carrying a bucket [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:20
1 19
1:19:11: Man carrying a bucket [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:21
1 19 1905
1 19 1896-1916
1 19 1905
1 19
1:19:15: Woman tracing pattern [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:260
1 19
1:19:16: Woman sewing by hand [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:10 and 8:258
1 19
1:19:17: Woman cutting material for dressmaking [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:12 and 8:256
1 19
1:19:18: Looking through the poplars [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:13
1 19
1:19:19: Poplar trees [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:15
1 19
1:19:20: Looking across the fields [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:16
2 1
2:01:01: Woman doing needlework [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:17 and 8:261
2 1
2:01:02: Looking across the fields [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:18
2 1
2:01:03: Woman sewing skirt or petticoat on sewing machine [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:19 and 8:259
2 1 1896-1916
2 1
2:01:05: Woman spreading frosting on cake(?) Co-eds baking [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:20 and 8:257
2 1
2:01:06: Woman spreading frosting on cake, co-eds baking [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:21 and 8:262
2 1 1905
2 1 1905
2 1 1905
2 1
2:01:10: Football player [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:02:01
2 1
2:01:11: Football player [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:02:12
2 1 1905
2 1 1905
2 1 1914
2 1
2:01:15: Trees and buildings covered in ice [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:02:03
2 1 1896-1916
2 1 1896-1916
2 1 1896-1916
2 1 1896-1916
2 1 1896-1916
2 1 1896-1916
2 1 1896-1916
2 1 1896-1916
2 1 1900
2 1 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2
2:02:03: Ice waterfalls off of building [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:01:15
2 2
2:02:04: [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:01:16
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 2 1896-1916
2 3
2:03:01: Bacteriological Laboratory [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:11
2 3 1896-1916
2 3 1896-1916
2 3
2:03:04: Carpenter Shop [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:53
2 3 1896-1916
2 3 1896-1916
2 3 1902
2 3
2:03:08: House [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:45
2 3
2:03:09: Foliage in Conservatory [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:46
2 3
2:03:10: Sewing items in a display case [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:47
2 3 1896-1916
2 3 1896-1916
2 3 1896-1916
2 3
2:03:14: Women sitting and standing on/around a couch [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:51 and USU A-1218b
2 3 1896-1916
2 3
2:03:16: Section of Reading Room [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:54
2 3
2:03:17: Mechanical Arts Building [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:57
2 3 1896-1916
2 3
2:03:19: Women in a College Kitchen cooking [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:102 and USU A-1220a
2 3 1896-1916
2 4 1901
2 4
2:04:02: Director's Residence [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:63
2 4 1896-1916
2 4 1898
2 4 1896-1916
2 4 1896-1916
2 4 1891
2 4
2:04:08: Mechanic Arts Building [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:76
2 4
2:04:09: A Pathway, stream, and fence [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:83
2 4 1896-1916
2 4 1896-1916
2 4 1896-1916
2 4 1896-1916
2 4 1896-1916
2 4 1902
2 4
2:04:16: Dinning room [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:97
2 4 1896-1916
2 4 1896-1916
2 4
2:04:19: Women in College Kitchen cooking [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:101 and USU A-1220a
2 4 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1903
2 5 1896-1916
2 5
2:05:05: Sewing projects on display [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:07
2 5 1896-1916
2 5
2:05:07: President's Office [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:40
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 5
2:05:17: The Model Barn, site of Maeser Labs [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:199 and USU A-1230
2 5
2:05:18: The President's Residence [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:198
2 5 1896-1916
2 5 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1902
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1904
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 6 1896-1916
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1904
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1902
2 7 1896-1916
2 7
2:07:12: Women in sewing classrooms [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:205
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1901
2 7 1896-1916
2 7 1904
2 7
2:07:17: Sewing rooms [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:206
2 7 1903
2 7 1903
2 7 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8
2:08:07: Desk in corner of room [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:226
2 8
2:08:08: Desk in corner of room [Click to access]
Negative available
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 August 1907
2 8 August 1907
2 8 1896-1916
2 8 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9 1896-1916
2 9
2:09:11: West entrance to Old Main [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:48
2 10
2:10:01: President's Private Office [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:47
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10
2:10:06: Logan River Power Plant [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:64
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10
2:10:12: Students in chemistry laboratory experimenting
Duplicate of 2:10:13
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 10 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
2 11 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1900
3 1 1909
3 1 1909
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 1 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 2 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 3 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4
3:04:07: Sewing projects on display [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:08
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4
3:04:16: UAC Band, group portrait, clarinets, brass instruments and drums
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 4 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1908
3 5 1896-1916
3 5 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1905
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1901
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 6 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7
3:07:03: Foliage inside Conservatory [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:13
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
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3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 7 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1911 July
3 8 1911 July
3 8 1911 July
3 8 1896-1916
3 8 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1907 February 5
3 9 1896-1916
3 9 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
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4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 1 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1907
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
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4 2 1896-1916
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4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 2 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3
4:03:08: Book illustration showing larva of Pogonomyrmex molefaciens
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1909
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 3 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 4 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5
4:05:09: People standing around tepees
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 5
4:05:17: Women in kitchen preparing food [Click to access]
(952) Duplicate of 4:05:17
4 5
4:05:18: Women in kitchen preparing food [Click to access]
(952) Duplicate of 4:05:18
4 5 1896-1916
4 5 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1902
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1903
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 6 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1896-1916
4 7 1911
4 7 1896-1916
4 8 1896-1916
4 8 1896-1916
4 8 1896-1916
4 8 1896-1916
4 8 1896-1916
4 8 1896-1916
4 8 1896-1916
4 8 1896-1916
4 8 1911
4 8 1911
4 8 1896-1916
4 8 1896-1916
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4 8 1896-1916
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4 8 1896-1916
4 9 1896-1916
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4 9 1896-1916
4 10 1896-1916
4 10 1896-1916
4 10 1896-1916
4 10 1910
4 10 1896-1916
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4 10 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
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4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1911
4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
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4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
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4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
4 11 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12
4:12:03: Kitchen, table, sink and stove [Click to access]
Negative available
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 12 1896-1916
4 13 1907
4 13 1896-1916
4 13 1896-1916
4 13 1896-1916
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4 13 1896-1916
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4 13 1896-1916
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4 13 1896-1916
4 13 1896-1916
4 14 1896-1916
4 14 1896-1916
4 14 1896-1916
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4 14 1896-1916
4 14 1896-1916
4 14 1896-1916
4 14 1896-1916
4 14 1896-1916
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4 14 1896-1916
4 14 1896-1916
4 15 1896-1916
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4 15 1896-1916
4 15 1896-1916
4 15 1896-1916
4 15 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 1
5:01:16: Group of men examining corn cobs at a classroom table
5 1 1896-1916
5 1
5:01:18: Irrigation system
5 1 1896-1916
5 1 1896-1916
5 2
5:02:01: Experiment Station (1346) [Click to access]
Duplicate of USU A-1206
5 2 1896-1916
5 2
5:02:03: Mineral lab(?), men experimenting
5 2
5:02:04: Horticulture Lab(?) Students examining plant specimens, sugar beets and potatoes
5 2 1896-1916
5 2 1896-1916
5 2
5:02:07: Two men examining tree [Click to access]
Duplicate of USU A-1207
5 2 1896-1916
5 2 1896-1916
5 2 1896-1916
5 2 1896-1916
5 2 1896-1916
5 2 1896-1916
5 2 1896-1916
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5 2 1896-1916
5 3 1896-1916
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5 4 1896-1916
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5 5 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
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5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6
5:06:10: Portrait of "Prof. Van T'Hoff" [Click to access]
Copy of a photograph from a book
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 6 1896-1916
5 7 1914
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1912
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1914
5 7 1916
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1896-1916
5 7 1912
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5 7 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
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5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8 1896-1916
5 8
5:08:23: Group portrait of men on stairway
5 8 1896-1916
5 9 1896-1916
5 9 1896-1916
5 9 1913

NegativesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
5 10
5:10: Negatives: (4x5 black and white negatives) - 1:01:19, 1:11:12, 2:07:06, 2:07:09, 4:13:15, 8:77, 8:146, 8:151, 9:15. (120mm negative sleeves) - 5:04:09, 4:10:05, 1:07:13, 4:09:14, 4:14:15, 1:05:20, 4:12:03, 5:04:16, 3:09:14, 4:15:08, 3:01:08, 2:08:18, 2:08:12, 4:15:09, 3:09:15, 9:114, 9:105, 9:43, 9:44, 9:117, 9:124, 6:423, 7:78, 6:275, 6:273.
Black and White print

CyanotypesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
6 1896-1916
6:02: Man in field working on irrigation
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6:64: Cattle barn stalls (62a) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:11:17 and 1:16:05
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
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6 1896-1916
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6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
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6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6:195: Rooster, white [Click to access]
Duston or Dustm is written on image
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
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6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6:221: Hen, white [Click to access]
A line is drawn through the neck
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6:255: Rooster, white [Click to access]
Van Diser? written on image
6 1896-1916
6:257: Hen, black-and-white stripped [Click to access]
Telch? written on image
6:258: Hen, black-and-white stripped [Click to access]
Telch? written on image
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
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6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6:282: Horse in front of barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 6:178
6:283: Horse in front of barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 6:177
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6:286: Reflection of trees in river [Click to access]
A cross is drawn and ‘no flak' is written on image
6:287: Fence, pasture and farm cottage [Click to access]
A cross is drawn and ‘no flak' is written on image
6 1896-1916
6:289: Logan Temple, bridge in foreground, looking south [Click to access]
A cross is drawn and ‘no plate' is written on image
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
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6 1896-1916
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6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6:316: Horse in front of barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 6:212
6:317: Horse in front of barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 6:211
6:318: Horse in front of barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 6:214
6:319: Horse in front of barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 6:213
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
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6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6:465: Irrigation water [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:15 and 1:19:08
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
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6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
6 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1903
7:05: Group Portrait [Click to access]
Duplicate of 3:04:14
7 1896-1916
7 1902-1903
7 1902-1903
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:11: Bacteriological Laboratory [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:03:01
7 1904
7:13: Plants in Conservatory [Click to access]
Duplicate of 3:07:03
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1900
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1903
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1897
7 1897
7 1897-1903
7 1897-1903
7 1897
7 1897-1903
7 1897-1903
7 1897-1903
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1902
7 1896-1916
7:45: A house [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:03:08
7:46: Plants in a greenhouse [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:03:09
7:47: Samples of underwear in display case [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:03:10, see also USU A-1228a
7:48: Women hand sewing in classroom [Click to access]
Duplicate of USU A-1219a
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:51: Sorosis, clubs and organizations, group portrait [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:03:14 and USU A-1218b
7 1896-1916
7:53: Carpenter Shop [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:03:04
7:54: Section of Reading Room [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:03:16
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:57: Mechanical Arts Building [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:03:17
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1891
7 1901
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1898
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:71: Society Hall, south wing of Old Main. View from stage [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:04:07, see also USU A-0003b
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:83: Pathway, stream and fence [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:04:09
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:91: Cache Valley Mills building [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:04:13
7:92: Cache Valley Mills building [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:04:14
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1902
7 1902
7:97: Tables set for a meal [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:04:16
7 1896-1916
7:99: Men playing tennis [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:04:18
7 1896-1916
7:101: Women in cooking class [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:04:19 and USU A-1220a
7:102: Women in cooking class [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:03:19, see also USU A-1220a
7:103: A.C.U. Football team [Click to access]
Duplicate of USU A-0004
7:104: A.C.U. Second Football Team [Click to access]
Duplicate of USU A-1226
7:105: A.C.U. Military Band [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:06:13, see also USU A-1224
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1902
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1905
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1903
7 1903
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:138: Farm Superintendent's Residence [Click to access]
Duplicate of USU A-1294 (USU A-1294 board reads: "House built for Manager of Experiment Station Farm. Moved in 1950 and later used as dorm for Senior Honors Women, demolished 1968.")
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1902
7 1896-1916
7 1900
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:148: College Cadets, Company A formation in front of Old Main [Click to access]
The image is crossed out, and "see 175" is written at the bottom of photo
7 1902-1903
7 1896-1916
7 1903
7 1903
7 1897
7 1903
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1900-1905
7 1901
7 1902
7 1902
7:167: A.C.U. Second Team Football [Click to access]
See also USU A-1226
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1903
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1903
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:191: View of Logan from campus [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:52 but darker
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7 1896-1916
7:198: The President's Residence [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:05:18
7:199: The Model Barn/Horse Barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:05:17 and USU A-1230
7 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:14: Corner in Zoological Museum, Old Main Rm. 208 or 206 [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:05:03 and USU A-1208
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:36: President's Private Office [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:05:08
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:40: President's Office [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:05:07
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:47: President's Private Office [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:10:01
8:48: Tower doors to Old Main [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:09:11
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:52: View of Logan from campus [Click to access]
Duplicate of 7:191 but lighter
8 1903 September 17
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1900
8 1900
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:64: Logan River Power Plant [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:10:06
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1901
8 1896-1916
8 1907
8:71: Woman at sewing table gathering ruffles [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:02, 1:02:02, and USU A-1385
8:72: Woman at table marking sewing pattern [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:03, 1:02:03, and USU A-1382
8 1901
8:74: Woman at table embroidering [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:04 and 1:02:04
8:75: Woman at table sewing piecework [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:05 and 1:02:05
8:76: Woman kneading bread dough [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:06 and 1:02:06
8:77: Woman kneading bread dough [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:07, 1:02:07, and USU A-1388 - Negative available
8:78: Examples of fruit bottled by students [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:08 and 1:02:08
8 1901
8:80: Samples of underwear, ruffled lace and cloth in a display case [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:10, 1:02:10, and USU A-1228a
8:81: Examples of fruit bottled by students [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:11 and 1:02:11
8:82: Display of spices, beans, and other condiments [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:12 and 1:02:12
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1903
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1905
8:112: West wing of Old Main under construction in the spring [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:01:13, and USU A-0016
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1902
8 1901
8 1901
8 1896-1916
8:121: Old Main tower construction [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:02:21
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:124: College Dairy, Separators [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:01 and 1:04:02
8:125: College Dairy, man at Separator, calendar reads 1903(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:02, 1:04:03, and USU A-1391
8:126: College Dairy. Man operating a Separator [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:03, 1:04:04, and USU A-1387
8:127: College Dairy, Babcock Test [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:04 and 1:04:05
8:128: Science lab area, baking ovens (?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:06, 1:16:10, and USU A-0792a
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:131: Plow, iron work, and tools [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:11
8:132: Woman cutting out pattern [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:08 and 1:04:12
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:135: Military assemblage on stage [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:07
8 1901
8 1901
8 1901
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:142: Electric fan(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:143
8:143: Electric fan(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 8:142
8:144: Men working at bench [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:15
8:145: Writing desk [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:16
8:146: Woman making pie [Click to access]
Negative available
8 1896-1916
8:148: Man working at forge [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:04:18
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:151: Woman ironing/laundering a skirt [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:18 and 1:06:01 - Negative available
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:157: Scales inside cabinet [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:15 and 1:06:06
8 1896-1916
8:159: Water flow from power plant(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:07
8:160: Farm Cottages [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:14 and 1:06:08
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:164: Plants in a conservatory [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:03:12 and 1:06:10
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:169: Piggery(?) [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:05:11 and 1:06:14
8 1903
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1901
8 1896-1916
8:176: Man near farm buildings [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:16
8:177: A gravel slope [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:06:17
8 1896-1916
8 1905
8 1896-1916
8 1902
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:186: Physical Lecture Room [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:06:20 and 2:06:21
8:187: Science lab room [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:07:03
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:198: Women sitting at table watching cooking demonstration [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:07:04, see also USU A-1302
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:203: The Kitchen [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:07:13
8 1896-1916
8:205: Women in sewing classrooms [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:07:12
8:206: Sewing classrooms [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:07:17
8 1902
8:208: ACU Military band [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:07:16
8 1907
8 1907
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1903
8 1896-1916
8 1903
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:222: Testing machine [Click to access]
Duplicate of USU A-1189
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:226: A desk [Click to access]
Duplicate of 2:08:07
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1905
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:244: A display of agricultural specimens [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:13:18 and 1:16:20
8:245: Tongs for iron work [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:18:02
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:250: Two men working in iron shop [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:18:16
8:251: Two men working in forge room [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:18:19
8 1896-1916
8 1896-1916
8:254: Children with wagon and water buffalo [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:15:16-:19 and 1:19:09
8 1896-1916
8:256: Woman working on pattern [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:19:17
8:257: Woman hand sewing [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:20 and 2:01:05
8:258: Woman working on pattern [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:10 and 1:19:16
8:259: Woman doing needlepoint [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:19 and 2:01:03
8 1896-1916
8:261: Woman icing cake [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:17 and 2:01:01
8:262: Woman icing cake [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:17:21
8:263: Woman working on dress [Click to access]
Duplicate of 1:09:01 and 1:12:07
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
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9 1896-1916
9 1903
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9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9:101: Chickens in a yard [Click to access]
Duplicate of USU A-1310
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9:105: A chicken, black-and-white [Click to access]
Negative available
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1905
9 1905
9 1905
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9:124: Harvested hay/wheat field [Click to access]
Negative available
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
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9 1896-1916
9 1905
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9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9:191: Stalls in Cattle Barn [Click to access]
Duplicate of 3:06:19
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
9 1896-1916
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9 1896-1916
9 1908
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