Dr. George F. Knowlton photograph collection, 1935-1955

Overview of the Collection

Knowlton, George F.
Dr. George F. Knowlton photograph collection
1935-1955 (inclusive)
1940-1950 (bulk)
.25 linear ft.
Collection Number
122 photographs gathered by Knowlton during his work as an entomologist at Utah State University. The majority of these photos show different types of equipment including microscopes, sprayers, mixers, and dusters. Other photos show specific pest control projects including cricket control from 1937-1941 and fly control on dairy cows. folders fifteen through nineteen are an interesting contrast to the rest of the collection showing research done to determine the deaths of numerous honey bees. A picture of devils slide and humorous postcards of giant grasshoppers are also included.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
Fax: 4357972880
Access Restrictions

Open to public research.

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

George Franklin Knowlton was born in Farmington, Utah on July 28, 1901. In 1921 he moved to Logan to attend the Utah Agricultural College. In 1923 he received a Bachelor's degree in Entomology. In 1924, soon after receiving a Master's Degree, Knowlton became the Assistant Entomologist at the Agricultural College. He did one year of graduate study at the University of Minnesota then transfered to Ohio State University where in 1932 he received a Ph.D. From 1925 until he became an Emeritus Professor in 1967, Knowlton taught Entomology and Zoology at Utah Agricultural College becoming an associate entomologist in 1930, a research associate in 1939, and a full professor in 1943. After receiving emeritus status, Knowlton continued to serve as a senior consultant on numerous federal grants.

Knowlton's work as entomologist was well known. He published hundreds of articles and pamphlets on various tomato, potato, beet, and berry insects. This research led to studies in the relationship of lizards and birds to insect control methods on farm and rangeland. During World War II, Knowlton served as the U.S. Army Engineers 9th service command entomologist, where he headed and organized the insect and rodent control unit. Later, he provided information on insect control for the U.S. War Department Technical Manual. In addition, he served as Chairman of the Pacific Slope Branch of the American Association of Economic Entomologists, 1940-1941, Vice Chairman of the Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomologists, 1939, and Chairman of the Northwest Vegetable Insect Control Conference 1948-1949.

Knowlton married Mary Brown Watkins in 1925 in the Logan LDS Temple. They had two daughters: Jean (Collmar) and Kathryn (Cazier). Knowlton died on April 8, 1987 at the Logan Regional Hospital.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The George F. Knowlton Collection consists of 122 photographs gathered by Knowlton during his work as an entomologist at Utah State University. The majority of these photos show different types of equipment including microscopes, sprayers, mixers, and dusters. Other photos show specific pest control projects including cricket control from 1937-1941 and fly control on dairy cows. folders fifteen through nineteen are an interesting contrast to the rest of the collection showing research done to determine the deaths of numerous honey bees. A picture of devils slide and humorous postcards of giant grasshoppers are also included.

Several pictures in this collection were attached to acidic paper that contained descriptive notes. This backing was removed for preservation purposes, and placed in folder 24 of this collection. The numbers on the back of the photographs corresponds with numbers on the removed papers.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use


It is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission to publish from the owner of the copyright (the institution, the creator of the record, the author or his/her transferees, heirs, legates, or literary executors). The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Utah State University Libraries, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright.

Permission to publish material from the Dr. George F. Knowlton photograph collection must be obtained from the Special Collections Photograph Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

Preferred Citation

Dr. George F. Knowlton photograph collection, 1935-1955. (P0115). Utah State University. Special Collections & Archives Department.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Arranged in numeric sequence according to box, folder, and Item

Acquisition Information

Aquisition information is unknown

Processing Note

Register completed by Mark W. Buchanan, November 2004.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Pest ControlReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 1

Container(s) Description Dates
01:01:01. : Three men, in front of Woods Cross Canning Company, standing next to Friend (?), Duster, Clearfield, Utah
(See photo's 01:01:03 & 01:02:01).
1941 June
01:01:02. : Horse drawn duster sitting in a yard next to other equipment
01:01:03. : Side view of the same Friend (?), Duster shown in photo 01:01:01, Clearfield, Utah
1941 June
01:01:04. : Horse drawn duster, shown in 01:01:02, dusting field
01:01:05. : Two men operating Agicide Duster, in field near Tremonton, Utah
(See photo's 01:02:05 and 01:02:07).
01:01:06. : One man drives a truck as another operates duster from the bed
01:01:07. : Tractor and duster loaded with DDT sitting in field near Delta Utah
August 1946

Pest ControlReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 2

Container(s) Description Dates
01:02:01. : Two men preparing sprayer in front of Woods Cross Co. building, Clearfield, Utah, June 4, 1941. "Mr. Stephens operated duster. Barlow swept"
1941 June 4
01:02:02. : "Power dusting equipment is readied in spring, to meet pest control needs on peas, beans, tomatoes, or other crops." Smithfield, Utah
01:02:03. : A group of men and a duster outside warehouse in Smithfield, Utah
1941 June 16
01:02:04. : George Knowlton standing next to duster while it is parked near a shed
June 1941
01:02:05. : Two Men operate Agicide Duster as two men, a women, and two children look on, southwest of Tremonton
1941 June
01:02:06. : Large truck, with duster on back, parked on the side of the road. "Mapleton, Eddington Can Co., June 3, 1941, Agicide Duster"
1941 June 3
01:02:07. : Two men dig Agicide Duster out of mud in pea field near East Garland, Utah
1941 June 25
01:02:08. : Three men dust pea field for aphids near Smithfield, Utah
1941 June 14
01:02:09. : Two men prepare duster infield. "Perry Can Co., June 14, 1941, 5 min, N. Brigham"
1941 June 14

Pest ControlReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 3

Container(s) Description
01:03:01. : Rearview of man operating tractor-sprayer in field
01:03:02. : Front view of man operating tractor-sprayer in field
(See photo 01:03:01).
01:03:03. : George F. Knowlton operating Farmall tractor with Niagara duster attached
01:03:04. : George F. Knowlton sits on tractor-duster while two unidentified men stand nearby
01:03:05. : "Alfalfa weevil control, aimed at killing the over wintering beetles before they lay eggs, is here being applied near Fielding, by U.S. Department of Agriculture entomologist F.V. Lieberman of the Legume Seed Research Laboratory. This application is put on when first growth reaches only 1 to 2 inches, which is before the fields show much greening, explained Dr. G.F. Knowlton, Utah State Agricultural College Extension Entomologist"

Pest ControlReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 4

Container(s) Description
01:04:01. : "Tractor with metering devise for granular material showing one tube for each of four rows plus power takeoff from left wheel axle"
01:04:02(a).: "Tractor-sprayer with 20 foot boom mounted on rear on one side, capable of adjustment for different heights of crops"
01:04:02(b).: "Tractor-duster with 20 foot boom mounted in rear on one side of tractor capable of adjustment for heights of different crops. Both dust and granular materials can be broadcast with this equipment"
01:04:03(a).: "Tractor showing four chisels mounted on power bar for applying granular insecticide in four seed rows. Depth application can be varied by hydraulic lift. This equipment used for placing insecticide below seed level prior to seeding"
01:04:03(b).: "Transformer attached to 12 volt battery operating hand vacuum with special nozzle for removing seed or granular material from hoppers"
01:04:04(a).: "Operation using hand vacuum for removing granular or seed from hopper in which several materials are being used in test plots"
01:04:04(b).: "Close up view of power take off on tractor for operating spray pump. Transfer can be made from sprayers to duster by removing four bolt clamp on power shaft"
01:04:05.: "Close-up view of power take-off on tractor for operating power duster. Note the transfer from sprayer to duster is made by removing four bolt clamp and placing pully on power shaft"

Pest ControlReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 5

Container(s) Description
01:05:01(a). : "Figure 1. Dusting peas for weevil control in Utah. Bean unit mounted in pickup truck"
01:05:01(b). : "Figure 2. Dusting for Weevil Control in Utah. Bean unit mounted in heavy truck"
01:05:02(a). : "Figure 3. Dusting for pea weevil control in Utah. Messinger unit mounted in pickup truck"
01:05:02(b). : "Figure 4. Dusting for pea weevil control in Utah. Horse-drawn unit. Machines of this type were very satisfactory"
01:05:03(a). : "Figure 5. Dusting for pea weevil control in Utah. Another view of the preceding machine."
(See photo 01:01:04).
01:05:03(b). : "Figure 6. Dusting with hand operated machine for weevil control. Corners into which power equipment could not be drawn were dusted in this fashion"
01:05:04(a). : "Tractor-sprayer-duster loaded on ¾ ton pickup truck for transporting to field experiments on insect control on sugar beets and vegetable insects. Logan, Utah"
01:05:04(b). : "Tractor-sprayer-duster being loaded into ¾ ton pickup on two 2x12 planks used for each runway"
01:05:05(a). : "Close up view of tractor-sprayer-duster showing dust boom mounted on special brackets for movement; showing also front spray boom folded for transporting plus 10 gallon exchangeable can for spray materials"
01:05:05(b). : "Tractor-sprayer with front spray boom 20 feet long, capable of adjustment to heights varying within 12 inches by hydraulic lift"

Cricket Control Camp (Pictures in the folder were taken by G.R. Judd)Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 6

Container(s) Description Dates
01:06:01. : Group of men dusting brush before day break, West Tintic District, Juab County
01:06:02. : Two men dusting tree. Crickets visible on trunk. "Juab County West Tinitic Cricket Control"
1937 June
01:06:03. : "Cricket Control Camp, Hassell Lower Ranch, West Tintic District"
1937 June 28
01:06:04. : "Barley patch being destroyed by crickets, Frank McIntive (?) Ranch, Cow Hollow, West Tintic District"
1937 June 28
01:06:05. : "Cricket Control Camp, Hassell Ranch, West Tintic District"
1937 June 22
01:06:06. : "Dusting Arid Farm Land, West Tinitic District"
1937 June 22
01:06:07. : "Dusting Arid Farm Land, West Tintic District"
1937 June 22
01:06:08. : Group of men bathing in canal, Juab County
1937 July 28

Cricket Control (USDA photographs taken by Forsythe)Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 7

Container(s) Description Dates
01:07:01. : "Lands too steep or thick with underbrush and rocks for equipment mounted on trucks or trailers are baited by hand. Here a crew scatters poison bait in the path of migrating crickets"
1941 June
01:07:02. : "A new poison bait spreader-an adaptation of the trailer spreader used in the grasshopper control campaign-is tested outside the Elko, Nev., field station
June 1941."
01:07:03. : "Migrating Mormon crickets cross mountain streams in their path by dropping in and floating with the current until they reach the other side. A film formed by "oil drips," half to three quarters of a mile apart along the stream will kill the floating crickets"
1941 June
01:07:04. : "Pick-up trucks carry power dusters across cricket-infested lands. The operators wear respirators as a protection against the dust"
1941 June
01:07:05. : "The hand-dusting crew advances on a band of migrating crickets"
1941 June

Cattle: Grub and Fly ControlReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 8

Container(s) Description Dates
1:08:01. : "Spraying cattle for fly control, Utah State Agricultural College, campus dairy barns, Logan, Utah"
01:08:02.: Man dusting dairy cows, with Hudson Admiral Duster
01:08:03.: Man spraying dairy cows, with small hand sprayer
01:08:04.: Man dusting a group of calves with a power duster
March 27, 1947
01:08:05.: Man spraying dairy cows with sprayer
01:08:06.: "Cattle grub control is here demonstrated by Dr. G. F. Knowlton, Utah State Agricultural College Extension entomologist"

Airborne Cricket Control (USDA Photos taken by Hufnagle)Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 9

Container(s) Description Dates
01:09:01.: Four men loading plane's special hopper with poisoned bait to spread over inaccessible land
June, 1940
01:09:02.: Plane spreading poisoned bait with second plane on the ground

Spray EquipmentReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 10

Container(s) Description Dates
01:10:01.: Hand sprayer labeled "DDT"
01:10:02.: Unidentified hand sprayer
01:10:03.: Unidentified hand sprayer
01:10:04.: Man using hand sprayer in corners of field
Duplicate of 01:05:03(b).
01:10:05.: Man spraying outside of building with power sprayer, demonstrating fly control equipment for the Utah Agricultural College Extension Service
1947 March 27

Spray EquipmentReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 11

Container(s) Description
01:11:01.: Man using Smith E-Z Knapsack Lever Type Sprayer made by D.B. Smith & Co., Utica, N.Y
01:11:02.: "Compact, easily moved power sprayer with 12 1/2-gallon tank spraying small fruit tree." H.D. Hudson Manufacturing Company Chicago, Illinois
01:11:03.: "Spraying small fruit Tree with 15 gallon power sprayer." Champion Sprayer Company, Detroit, Michigan
01:11:04.: "Applying dust to small trees with Knapsack duster for insect or disease control." Champion Sprayer Company, Detroit, Michigan
01:11:05.: Man using power sprayer to spray large tree. H.D. Hudson Manufacturing Company, Chicago, Illinois

Fumigation Training School (Official Photographs, Army Air force, Base Photograph Laboratory, March Field California)Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 12

Container(s) Description Dates
01:12:01.: Man sealing window pain, Fumigation Training School, Camp Anza, California
1944 July 14-15
01:12:02.: Two men on roof sealing vent for fumigation, Fumigation Training School, Camp Anza, California
1944 July 14-15
01:12:03.: "Sealing exit door, following HCN fumigation, Fumigation Training School, Camp Anza, California"
1944 July 14-15
01:12:04.: Two men sealing door with tape following fumigation of Officers mess, Fumigation Training School, Camp Anza, California
1944 July 14-15

Bait and Pesticide EquipmentReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 13

Container(s) Description
01:13:01.: "USDA Bait Broadcaster"
01:13:02.: "USDA Continuous Mixer"
01:13:03.: "USDA Blower Type Grasshopper Bait Spreader"
01:13:03.: Side view of USDA Blower Type Grasshopper Bait Spreader
01:13:05.: Blower Type Grasshopper Bait Spreader with gas motor attached
01:13:06.: Man operating "mixer"
01:13:07.: "USDA Batch Mixer"
01:13:08.: "Figure 2 Front and side view of electric motor type mechanical bait mixer"
01:13:09.: "Figure 3 Front view of mechanical bait mixer. Water is supplied through a sprinkler, during mixing"
01:13:10.: "USDA Batch Mixer"

Pesticide EquipmentReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 14

Container(s) Description Dates
01:14:01.: Gas powered broadcast spreader on back of flatbed truck
01:14:02.: "Poisoned bait for the cricket control campaign is prepared in the Elk, Nev., field station by mixing a weighed quantity of sodium fluosilicate (in pail) with the proper proportion of bran (right). The bait is sacked for distribution to control crews
1941 June

Bee ExperimentReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 15

Container(s) Description
01:15:01.: "Large Numbers of honey bees were killed in Millard County, Utah, during August of 1950 and 1951. This occurred when parathion spray and dust was applied to blossoming alfalfa. Here, Dr. G.F. Knowlton, research professor of entomology at the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, examines a bee yard where nearly all field bees where killed"
01:15:01(dup).: Enlarged duplicate of photo 01:15:01
01:15:02.: "In this picture is shown Dr. G.F. Knowlton, one of the research staff working to determine the effects of insecticides on honeybees when they visit alfalfa fields where insecticidedal sprays have been applied to blossoming alfalfa"
01:15:03.: "The Photograph shows part of an investigation being carried on by these college entomologists at the North Logan Experimental Farm. Here the bees are being used to cross-pollinate alfalfa to produce a seed crop. The research also aims to measure the effects on bees from poisoning due to any agricultural chemical applications applied to the crop while it is in blossom"

Bee ExperimentsReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 16

Container(s) Description Dates
01:16:01.: Man in protective gear holding scale at Robert McAdams and Reed Walker's bee yard, Delta, Utah
1948 July
01:16:02.: S. Cosgriff's bees, Salt Lake City, Utah
1945 June 22
01:16:03.: Arsenic smelter. "Bee research problem"
01:16:04.: Bee problem, Clarkston, Utah
1944 June
01:16:05.: George Knowlton shows dead bees, North Midvale
01:16:06.: W.P. Nye and G.F. Knowlton, Delta area of Utah

ApiariesReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 17

Container(s) Description Dates
01:17:01.: Mr. Hones bee yard, Pleasant Grove, Bee Research
1940 September
01:17:02.: Bee yard, Layton, Utah
1944 March
01:17:03.: South Santa Clara, Utah bee yard
1944 March 25
01:17:04.: Bee yard, N. Glendale, Utah
01:17:05.: Bee yard, N. Farmington, 26 hives all dead
1944 spring
01:17:06.: Frank Bush's Bee yard, American Fork
1945 July 20

ApiariesReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 18

Container(s) Description Dates
01:18:01.: O. Bairds bee yards, W. Provo
1945 Aug
01:18:02.: J.L. Hansen's bee yard, Lehi, Utah
1945 Aug. 10
01:18:03.: A.G. Pledger bee yard, Bear River City
01:18:04.: Wilford Ballistan's bee yard, Nephi, Utah. "Equipment piled up on account of bee loss"
1945 Aug. 31
01:18:05.: Pledger's bee yard, Bear River City
1945 Aug
01:18:06.: Bee yard east of Santa Clara, Utah
01:18:07.: S. Cosgriff's hives, Salt Lake City, Utah
1945 June 22

Microscope and Lab EquipmentReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 19

Container(s) Description Dates
01:19:01.: George Knowlton at desk displaying microscope
01:19:02.: George Knowlton at desk with two microscopes
01:19:03.: George Knowlton seated at a desk looking at a microscope while Robert Olson looks on
1954 February 24
01:19:04.: "Gerald L. Dean, a graduate student in entomology, of Ogden, Utah, Who is assisting Dr. G.F. Knowlton on his celery insect project of the Utah State Agricultural College Experiment Station." Dean is seated at a desk looking through microscope

Utah State Agricultural College GreenhousesReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 20

Container(s) Description Dates
01:20:01.: George Knowlton standing in front of a greenhouse at Utah State University
1943 February
01:20:02.: Unidentified Utah State University Greenhouse
01:20:03.: Greenhouse and Crop Research Lab at Utah State University

Farm EquipmentReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 21

Container(s) Description Dates
01:21:01.: A flock of seagulls in field. Horse drawn mower(?) and rake(?) in background
1936 spring
01:21:02.: Two horse mower(?) scattering seagulls
01:21:03.: Seagulls descend on field behind boy driving mower

Devils SlideReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 22

Container(s) Description
01:22:01.: "Devil's Slide--A freak of nature where the rocks have weathered away leaving a slide formation on the side of the mountain"

PostcardsReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 23

Container(s) Description Dates
01:23:01.: Postcard from "Hebe", July 7, 1955. Shows a giant grasshopper being used to plow field. Inscription reads, "The Old Grey Mare she ain't what she used to be"
1955 July 7
01:23:02.: Postcard from "Hebe" June 1954. Shows man riding a giant grasshopper. Inscription reads, "I'm on my way-I'll be seein' yeh"
June 1954
01:23:03.: Postcard from "Hebe" March 31, 1955. Shows a giant grasshopper stopping a train. Inscription reads, "The Train Holdup"
1955 March 31

Paper with Original Descriptive NotesReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1, Folder 24

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Agriculture--Utah--Photographs.
  • Bee culture--Utah--Photographs.
  • Pests--Control--Equipment and supplies--Photographs.
  • Pests--Control--Utah--Photographs.
  • Poisoning in honeybees--Utah--Photographs.
  • Spraying and dusting in agriculture--Photographs.

Personal Names

  • Knowlton, George F.--Photographs.

Corporate Names

  • United States. Dept. of Agriculture--History--Photographs.
  • Utah State University. Dept. of Biology--History--Photographs.